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poisson equationの例文


  • Finding the potential energy ? is easy, because the Poisson equation
  • The sheath model is based additionally on the Poisson equation.
  • This is a Poisson equation for the scalar function \, \ phi.
  • They also include his solution of the Poisson equation using the methods of stochastic analysis.
  • The occurring Poisson equation for the pressure field is solved by a grid free method.
  • The Poisson equation is solved again for the finer meshes using the new boundary conditions.
  • Since the Poisson equation is coercive.
  • One of the cornerstones of electrostatics is setting up and solving problems described by the Poisson equation.
  • Solving the Poisson equation on the grid counts for the particlemesh component of the P 3 M scheme.
  • If a scalar, the Poisson equation is valid, as can be for example in 4-dimensional Minkowski space:
  • The same Poisson equation arises even if it does vary in time, as long as the Coulomb gauge is used.
  • In this condition, by taking the divergence of all terms in the momentum equation, one obtains the pressure poisson equation.
  • Applying the Euler Lagrange equations in the standard way then leads to a non-linear generalisation of the Newton Poisson equation:
  • Next the boundary conditions for the secondary meshes are obtained by interpolating from the first or previous solutions of the Poisson equation.
  • Solving the Poisson equation amounts to finding the electric potential for a given charge distribution " \ rho _ f ".
  • When combining this result for the charge density with the Poisson equation from electrostatics, a form of the Poisson Boltzmann equation results:
  • Anders Blom " Computer algorithms for solving the Schr鰀inger and Poisson equations ", Department of Physics, Lund University, 2002.
  • In the homogeneous case ( f = 0 ), the screened Poisson equation is the same as the time-independent Klein Gordon equation.
  • The Poisson equation is first solved on the coarse mesh with all the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, taking into account the applied bias.
  • Identifying the instantaneous concentrations and potential in the Poisson equation with their mean-field counterparts in Boltzmann's distribution yields the Poisson Boltzmann equation:
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